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Identify hot penny stocks with online guidance

Financial news network while dealing with stock markets, tend to focus more on traded stocks of leading exchanges like NASDQ, New York Stock Exchange, Japanese Nikkei and others. For many seasoned investors, trading with such conventional stocks is not a good option. This is mainly because these stocks come with a heavy brokerage fee and a long time is needed to see some profit. Such investors are more interested to buy penny stocks which though comes with bigger risks, are capable of giving fast and high returns. As the hot penny stock market is not covered by the general financial media, investors end up picking best stocks on their own.


Look for third tier businesses


Following national stock trends is an effective way of identifying promising penny stocks. According to expert suggestion, it is a good decision to spend on stocks offered by second or third tier businesses, companies that show some equity, debt challenge and liquidity and start ups. Such organization will have an urge to scale up the ladder competing with conventional blue chip companies. So, instead of looking for best penny stocks today offered by Starbucks, search for the same offered by some regional coffee shop.


Identify hot stocks online


There are ample numbers of online platforms who will help you to identify hot penny stocks. These websites offer daily, weekly as well as monthly trading picks. Sometimes, opportunities are provided for investors to discuss with seasoned stock holders through email, discussion forums or live chats. Such initiatives are mainly for first time buyers who often fail to make proper selection. Charts with graphical representation of success stories are also there to show you the proper path.


One important issue that a first time buyer needs to keep in mind is that penny stocks do not fall under traditional regulatory standards. As a result finding detailed information about a company’s liability, assets, debt and profit is a challenging task. So, it is advised to do your own research in order to spot the best penny stocks to buy.

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